Where the profound meets the lost...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Turning 40!

It’s so easy, even a physicist can do it.

Please join Brent and I to celebrate his birthday on January 2nd at Abella in down town Tacoma across from Union Station on Pacific Ave at 5:00PM for pasta & pizza. Dinner will be hosted, beverages will not. Britt and her friend will be available to watch kids at our home during the event (both are babysitter/CPR, first-aid trained). Please RSVP so we can get a head count for both sitting service and food ASAP

Early picture of me on my single speed with track bars!


Birthday time again....

Old bicycle riders don’t die, they just
have more air in their tires.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Roadgap crash at Blackrock

It was very slippery clay, not the best time to be launching.

Road gap at Blackrock

Monday, August 24, 2009

Goin' home, total time in hospital less than 21hrs!

Belly swellin' fun but I'm very happy to be hitting the bricks!

Hamming it up for the camera!

Oh, my aching...um, what was it that I was having taken out again?? Oh yeah, appendix.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Snow...after Easter??

Those are some big flakes of snow!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Viagra for the Golf

This ought to help with those soft starts...hope they are the correct parts

Something new...

Breaking in a new deadblow hammer. Everything in it's place.

180,000 mile checkup...

Going deep, but plenty of room to work!

Too bad couple hours got sucked into fixing a couple sick floor jacks!

Much wear happening...

Throw out bearing nearing end of life.

Important to get your daily fiber...

Good time to replace

Pressure plate with some stressed fingers

Didn't look too bad, but it was time.

Big hole where the transmission used to be...

Nice, very happy the new flywheel, clutch, pressure plate all match what came out!!!!
Custom motor brace, scrap metal is always good!!


Time to clean up and get prepped for installation!

One of these kids is doing his own thing...

Ok, there is a story behind the white shirt...he wore the black shirt for jazz choir and when they changed he realized that his tux stuff was locked in the music room...DOH!!

Chillin' with Britt

Chillin' for real...it was COLD!

Proud of my bowlers!!

Vick & Britt took second place!!

John, trying to grab my hand!!

Me, John, and Jami catching up.

Late Christmas at the Gray's

GooooooD Times!!

Truth in advertising...saving electricity?

Even in an economic downturn, the letter "P" is priceless.