Where the profound meets the lost...

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Chill side now has a channel...slick!

Visit http://www.kmtt.com/ look for the "Chill channel" on the left side of the web page and hit listen now.

Get turned on to music too cool for the "mainstream play it till it's popular" music channels.

My new favorite tune! Really diggin' these guys..

Good reading music...

Monday, February 11, 2008

The latest "treasure" dropped on my steps by Chris

Rides suprisingly well and very interesting tech from the late 80's (I think). I was going to get rid of it until I rode it, very nice ride. So until something breaks it'll be my ratbike.

Bio-pace & pit bull brakes

Only the best! yeah, it's a ratbike....full XT gruppo though, everything!

She forgot the bike lock...

Ok, I forgot the bike lock, good thing the Holiday Inn is bike friendly!

Not sure three speeds were meant to go 70mph

Heading to NAHMB show!

Three speedin' around Jantzen Beach

Cheezin with the Raleighs

Nice Townie

Always liked the double tubes...kinda reminicent of the old Torkers

Rack 'em up!

Engin had some very nice stuff, this rack was cool.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Surprise...another single speed

Ti-29'r from Black Sheep, I like the gusset from the top tube to the down tube.

Rohloff hub with a belt drive!

$1300 hub with a $45 disk brake set up...don't get it, but it was a very cool belt drive set up.